Anna Molska @Nuit Blanche

Anna Molska

Lab’Bel presents a video installation of Anna Molska in collaboration with Nuit Blanche Paris 2013.


Nuit Blanche Paris

  • October 5-6, 2013
  • Artist:Anna Molska
  • Curated by: Laurent Fiévet, Silvia Guerra, Séverine Waelchli in collaboration with La Nuit Blanche

Born in 1983, in Prudnik, Poland, Anna Molska in her films, videos and installations shows an interest in the notions of play and theatricality as well as in revolutionary utopias and avant-garde, especially Soviet ones. His work held the attention of many countries but it is for the first time that it is presented in France by Lab’Bel as part of Nuit Blanche

Hecatomb (2011) is a film without words, where we follow the evolution of a young man in an abandoned place which suddenly fills with a white foam  soon filling up the whole space. Rather a sensible narration, the film sets up an atmosphere of abstract symbolism, which stages youth with its emotions, its rituals and its excesses.